Parent Time is a foundational piece of our program here at Harmony Arts. We know you have a lot of responsibilities requiring your time and because we’re asking you to use some of your time to join us in your child’s music class, we thought you might find it helpful to know why parent time is so important.
Meeting with you for a few minutes each week (or month for PPC families) allows us to share with you what we covered in class and allows you to aurally learn for a few minutes the same way your child is learning. During class your child is learning a new language—the language of music. Often this is a new language for parents as well, so parent time gives you a chance to become familiar with the language your child is learning.
Parent time is when we cover the assignment for the week. This important few minutes is key in helping you know what your child will need for the next week. We know our kids don’t remember everything they are supposed to do, so it helps them be more successful to have a parent who has heard and knows what the assignment expectations are. It also gives a chance to answer any questions, discuss any concerns, and share any great accomplishments you or the teacher may have to share. Since all the parents are together, it also gives parents a chance to learn from each other. Sometimes a parent will have a suggestion of something they’ve done at home that will help other families in the class. Other times, many parents will be having similar questions or challenges. Having those answered and realizing other families are having similar challenges will give you strength and comfort along the journey.
We feel that music is meant to be shared and enjoyed. Children love sharing their musical journey with the important adults in their lives! It means so much to your child to have you there learning with them for a few minutes each week. Parent time allows you and your child (and any little ones that come with you) to share in the joy of making music together.
Preschool and Musikgarten families enjoy Parent Time each week. PPC and Private Lesson families have it once a month. Please make sure to attend your upcoming Parent Time. This is one of the things that sets our studio apart. Connection with parents helps everything work! Thank you for being part of all the good that happens here!